The Mask Is Off: They Are Coming for Your Children

I bet you thought this was going to be a post about Covid and mask wearing. Sorry to disappoint. It’s not about either of those things. If you were not online yesterday for about a three hour window you missed a video that was quite stunning and frank with honesty produced by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir titled, “We’re Coming For Your Children.”

In this video two soloists sing about how “they” will be coming for your children to indoctrinate them with the “gay agenda”, with the result being that your kids will turn out to be more “inclusive and open”. They also promise in the song that “they” will introduce your kids, to things you don’t want them to see online. They will also teach your kids things you’ve “tried to hide” from them. The mask is off. According to the song lyrics if you’re not fully accepting, and celebratory of the “gay agenda” you’re a hater, homophobic etc. etc.

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What I Learned In Primary: I Am Blessed When I Obey

Teaching the CTR-7s in our Primary continues to be a fun calling.  These kids are excited for their baptisms, and to follow the Savior, Jesus Christ.  Today we learned about our choices and how they determine the way our life will go.

Every day, all day, is a series of choices.  We choose to wake up on time, we choose to eat breakfast. We choose to do homework, read the scriptures, watch TV, or be helpful in our homes.  Sometimes we make good choices, sometimes we make bad choices, and mistakes.  No matter what we choose, there will be a consequence or reaction to our choices.  Apparently this week everyone had their TV and video games taken away at some point.  They were all able to earn their privileges back, but they are learning.

And he hath said that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; but inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence. (2 Nephi 1: 20). Continue reading

What I Learned in Primary: The Covenant Path

I teach the CTR-7 Primary class in my ward. I’ve taught this class several times over the years, and these 7 year olds turning 8 are always a hoot.

Today’s lesson was on Lehi’s Vision of the Tree of Life.  I let the kids tell the story.  Here were some of their observations:

7 year old boy:  “I would go to the Great and Spacious Building…..and PUNCH IT!

Me: “Why does’t this building have a foundation?”  7 year old boy, “Because the devil can’t build Legos!”

8 year old girl:  “I would throw the fruit at the people on the path!”  “Why?”  “Because so they could have a snack!”

7 year old boy, “You better be careful around that water!  You could drown!”

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Fall of the Berlin Wall 30 Years Later

Ten years ago today, I wrote my first post for The Millennial Star as a regular contributor. I wrote about the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (see that post HERE).  Today is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Wall.  As I usually do on November 9th, I’ve spent some time thinking about that momentous event, and its impact on my life.  I’ve been thinking about my exchange-family and friends in Berlin.  We’ve sent messages this week celebrating, remembering, and giving thanks that, that wretched wall is gone.

As I wrote ten years ago, I served a full time mission behind the Iron Curtain in Bulgaria.  When I was there, the dreary grey of communism still stuck on all of the buildings.  People struggled to meet their most basic needs of feeding and clothing their family.  Sometimes basic food items like bread and meat were scarce. Inflation was rampant, sometimes the exchange rate even changed several times a day.  You didn’t change your American Dollars until the minute you needed to buy something it was so out of control.  With the rise of socialism’s popularity in this country, I find myself saying to anyone who promotes socialism to talk to me after they’ve waited in a bread line or 14 — believe me, it’s not as fun as you might think. Continue reading

Standing with Paul on Mars Hill

This week in Come Follow Me we get to read Acts 17.  This chapter starts out with Paul and Silas making their way through Macedonia and Thrace, spreading the gospel and teaching the Saints.  After Paul escapes the angry mob in Thessaloniki, he ends up in Athens, a city, “wholly given over to idolatry”.  He goes to the Aeropagus, or Mars Hill, which is a place where people congregate to gossip and debate. While there he preaches the gospel. Continue reading