The Mask Is Off: They Are Coming for Your Children

I bet you thought this was going to be a post about Covid and mask wearing. Sorry to disappoint. It’s not about either of those things. If you were not online yesterday for about a three hour window you missed a video that was quite stunning and frank with honesty produced by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir titled, “We’re Coming For Your Children.”

In this video two soloists sing about how “they” will be coming for your children to indoctrinate them with the “gay agenda”, with the result being that your kids will turn out to be more “inclusive and open”. They also promise in the song that “they” will introduce your kids, to things you don’t want them to see online. They will also teach your kids things you’ve “tried to hide” from them. The mask is off. According to the song lyrics if you’re not fully accepting, and celebratory of the “gay agenda” you’re a hater, homophobic etc. etc.

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The trouble with claiming 1 in 5 Latter-day Saints is nonheterosexual

Millennial Star contriubutor Jacob Hess had an opinion piece published in the Deseret News yesterday.

From the article we read:

In 2014, a study appeared in the prestigious journal Science that made almost immediate waves in the national conversation with its conclusion that a mere 20-minute conversation with a gay canvasser telling a personal, heart-felt story led to persistent changes in attitudes — as confirmed by nine-month follow-ups.

When Jon Krosnick, a Stanford social psychologist, was contacted for comment, his response was, “Gee, that’s very surprising and doesn’t fit with a huge literature of evidence. It doesn’t sound plausible to me.”

Nonetheless, a feature piece ran in The New York Times the same week the study posted — the first of many similar commentaries. And the following spring, the radio program “This American Life” amplified these “groundbreaking” findings. Summarizing the cumulative effects of this single study, journalist Jesse Singal states, “It rerouted countless researchers’ agendas, inspired activists to change their approach to voter outreach, generated shifts in grant funding, and launched follow-up experiments.”

To read the rest of the article, please follow the link HERE.

Honor Code Clarification from the Church

Today the Church issued a letter with some clarification on the changes made to the BYU Honor Code. As you know the changes that were made in conjunction with the release of the new Handbook have caused some confusion and some people to grossly misinterpret things. Sadly, there have even been death threats and completely nasty behavior from the “ally” camp heaped on students who feel compelled to defend the gospel. Not good people, not good at all.

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BYU Honor Code Controversy: An Alumna’s Take

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Last week the Church updated the General Handbook and released it to the membership at large. In conjunction with this BYU released some chances to its Honor Code which have caused a lot of confusion and have given BYU more press than it probably should have (seriously, we should all be talking about the Basketball game against Gonzaga instead of this).

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Mourning With Those That Mourn

These are just some thoughts that I’ve had swirling in my head for a while now, but with the release of the new Church Handbook today, I’ve seen a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth on the socials from people who style themselves as LGBT “allies” in anticipation of what they think the new Handbook will say.

One tweet said, “We need to mourn with our LGBT friends that mourn today and not remind them of the commandments” (???????)

There was another tweet about the supposed harm the Church does when it makes clear policy and doctrinal statements regarding the Law of Chastity, moral behavior, marriage and family relationships. I’ve seen it called “spiritual violence”.

Needless to say, it’s a full sack cloth and ashes day for some.

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