About rameumptom

Gerald (Rameumptom) Smith is a student of the gospel. Joining the Church of Jesus Christ when he was 16, he served a mission in Santa Cruz Bolivia (1978=1980). He is married to Ramona, has 3 stepchildren and 7 grandchildren. Retired Air Force (Aim High!). He has been on the Internet since 1986 when only colleges and military were online. Gerald has defended the gospel since the 1980s, and was on the first Latter-Day Saint email lists, including the late Bill Hamblin's Morm-Ant. Gerald has worked with FairMormon, More Good Foundation, LDS.Net and other pro-LDS online groups. He has blogged on the scriptures for over a decade at his site: Joel's Monastery (joelsmonastery.blogspot.com). He has the following degrees: AAS Computer Management, BS Resource Mgmt, MA Teaching/History. Gerald was the leader for the Tuskegee Alabama group, prior to it becoming a branch. He opened the door for missionary work to African Americans in Montgomery Alabama in the 1980s. He's served in two bishoprics, stake clerk, high council, HP group leader and several other callings over the years. While on his mission, he served as a counselor in a branch Relief Society presidency.

The battles for Freedom continues

245 years ago, almost every person on earth was a slave. Only kings and lord’s were citizens with God given inalienable rights. Then, a few of those slaves proclaimed they also we’re children of God and He granted all his creation inalienable rights, among these: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Ever since Thomas Jefferson penned those immortal words, humans have been in a continuous struggle for liberty and rights. Wars have been fought to overthrow kings, despots and tyrants. Peaceful and violent protests have led to freedom. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Lech Walesa, and others brought greater freedom to billions.

Still, we are always only a generation away from forgetting and losing that freedom. Look at China cracking down on Hong Kong. They are subjects of the Chinese state. They want to be citizens with freedom of speech, etc. They want their inalienable rights.

Much of the world is in battle for freedom right now. The battles continue in the United States, as people of color seek their own rights. The Amish just won a case in the Supreme Court against tyranny in county government. Religious freedom barely won out against despotism here in America.

The Berlin Wall fell about 30 years ago. Hundreds of millions became free with little bloodshed. Sadly, Russia and other nations again struggle between freedom and government control. Freedom is failing in many nations right now. This is partially due to America being distracted in endless foreign wars and internal struggle, rather than being Reagan’s city on the hill.

We need to be that light again.

We must either seek to expand freedom, or others will come and take it away. And freedom must be for everyone, else no one is truly free.

Come Follow Me: D&C 76 – The Vision

My blog post on Come Follow Me: D&C 76, The Vision

Excerpt: The Vision
In 1832, Joseph and Sidney received a remarkable Vision that lasted hours. They took turns describing the things they saw. D&C 76 was created from the revelation, covering many of the important truths they discovered.

The first thing to note is that BOTH Joseph and Sidney received the revelation. While many pretenders proclaimed they had revelations from God and/or angels, none had a list of others who joined in many of those revelations: the Three Witnesses, Oliver Cowdery seeing John the Baptist, the First Presidency seeing the Kirtland Temple in vision as they began plans to design and build it, members attending the Kirtland Temple dedication, etc.

When it came to Christianity, the Vision was revolutionary. A few had previously suggested that heaven had several levels, but no one had given as much detail as this. For most of Christianity, only a few would be saved, the rest of the world would be damned – regardless of their opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ in this life. In fact, one leading dogma for many Christians is Calvin’s TULIP, which includes a limited atonement, predestination to heaven/hell, and that most will not be saved.

The Vision turns all of that on its head. Instead of a limited atonement, Christ offers a near universal salvation to humankind. Instead of predestination, there is fore-ordination and free will.It is a Vision of hope and joy.


Come Follow Me: D&C 71-75

My blog post on Come Follow Me: D&C 71-75

Excerpt: Spiritual leaders aren’t perfect.
Our spiritual leaders aren’t perfect.Simonds Ryder, a friend of Ezra Booth, was angry because his name was misspelled in a revelation given to Joseph Smith. Along with Booth, he set out to criticize and destroy the Church.
So powerful were these critics, that the Lord told Joseph and Sidney to pause the work of translating the Bible and go out and preach the gospel for a month to quell the growing tensions with non-members and members alike.
Booth had seen a miracle. He had been present when revelations were given to Joseph. Yet, these two men could not accept the idea that prophets are regular people, just like you and me, doing their best to serve the Lord.
Having served with several bishops and stake presidents over the years, I can assure you that such issues continue today. If there is a bishop or other leader out there that hasn’t offended at least one person, it is a rare thing. Our leaders do their best, but are asked to be instant experts in many things: finances, psychologist, judge, counselor, speaker, youth leader, etc.


Bad History

In celebrating Juneteenth, I studied some of the history of slavery and “freedom” in America for African-Americans. This includes the period of Reconstruction, where black people were allowed to vote, run for office, etc.

Then, at the end of the 19th century, Republicans quit protecting the rights of black people. Suddenly, states and towns enacted laws that restricted many rights. Eventually, these would become known as Jim Crow Laws.

Under Woodrow Wilson, a staunch racist, the Ku Klux Klan grew to 100,000 members. The military was re-segregated. Lyunchings and racism grew exponentially.

1919 was known as the “red summer,” because of the number of atrocities that occurred against black people. As they boarded trains to go to the war in Europe, black men hung signs out of the trains asking white people not to lynch their families while they were away. They were ignored.

Over 3 dozen white mob assaults on black people happened that year. In a couple incidents, hundreds of blacks were killed. In some places, the back side of houses were set on fire, so as the black families ran out of the front to escape, they were shot. One of those places of white on black violence happened here in Indianapolis, in a section called Garfield Park. Chicago and other northern places also had problems, so it wasn’t just a southern issue.

According to white papers at the time, the rioting and killings were always blamed on black people, who were supposedly embracing Soviet socialism. I looked at the headlines on many papers of the time, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, etc., and they all blamed the troubles on black people rioting to replace the Constitution with a Soviet style socialism. We would hear the same claims against Martin Luther King jr’s peace marches 40 years later, as an excuse to not give African Americans their god given rights of freedom.

A century ago, in 1921, occurred the Tulsa Massacre. A section of Tulsa, named the Greenwood District. After WW1, with so many soldiers returning home from war, the country wasn’t prepared for the influx of workers. This caused tensions as African Americans were laid off, so white soldiers could get the jobs. Poverty and unemployment increased for many African American families. However, the Greenwood District was different. It was an affluent African American community.

A young black man, Dick Rowland, was arrested for riding in an elevator with a white woman. African Americans peacefully protested the arrest. Meanwhile, white mobs gathered around the courthouse, wanting to lynch the boy, as the rumors grew as to what happened. A skirmish occurred at the courthouse. This quickly moved to Greenwood, where white mobs burned down 35 city blocks, injured 800 people and killed as many as 250 African Americans. The governor called out the National Guard, which arrested 6000 people, almost all were African Americans attempting to protect their own property and lives.

The newspapers at the time were deathly silent about the murders and destruction. Until recently, it was called the Tulsa Riot, and blamed on black people. Now it is appropriately named the Tulsa Massacre.

In these events, we see that history was manipulated to fit a certain story. Just as Confederate statues were erected during this time period by the KKK to celebrate their racist past and rewrite their history, so too, the lynchings and attacks on African Americans was rewritten to fit a narrative.

Such narratives are always attempted by those who seek to enslave or abuse the weaker groups. As we see in D&C 87, ours is a history of slavery, and slaves seeking to overthrow their masters.

History is sloppy, as everyone seeks to put their own spin on it. But when the full facts are laid out, each individual can see where history really is. It is full of triumphs and disasters. We don’t like to see our own ancestors as the bad guys (imagine how Germans feel when hearing about Hitler and the Nazis). But if we want to progress as a people toward true freedom and brotherhood of all, then we must meet our history head on, warts, lynchings and all.

Why do we need Juneteenth as a new holiday? Because it is OUR history. It belongs to African Americans. It belongs to white Americans. It belongs to everyone who loves freedom, and who seek to end tyranny in all its forms.

To understand Juneteenth is to understand our own struggles today. We can see people of color today, who are seeking freedom from oppression. They seek the American dream, which was denied their parents and grandparents, and sometimes they themselves.

Why must we feel our freedom threatened by others also wishing to have freedom? We should open our arms to peoples of all colors, who are dealing with government and societal abuse. If they lose their freedom, or never gain the freedoms we enjoy, then we risk losing our freedoms if and when our group is considered a risk.

Today, I ponder the atrocities done a century ago against our African American brothers and sisters. I hope that a century from now, schoolkids will read how we overcame that racist past and as Americans rebuilt our society on the premise of freedom and brotherhood/sisterhood for all.

Come Follow Me: D&C 67-70

My blog post on Come Follow Me: D&C 67-70

Excerpt:The Church was organized in April 1830. Nineteen months later, the Lord had given so many revelations that it was time to prepare many of them for publishing, so the members would have access to them. These revelations included issues regarding the translation of the Book of Mormon (such as the lost 116 pages), the Three Witnesses, sending missionaries to the West, establishing two church centers (Kirtland and Independence), laws and priesthood organization, the location for the city of Zion, etc.

“Your eyes have been upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and his language you have known, and his imperfections you have known; and you have sought in your hearts knowledge that you might express beyond his language; this you also know.” (vs 5)

Several of the leaders were uncertain about witnessing to the revelations. They knew that Joseph Smith was rather uneducated and the wording in some of the revelations was not as polished as they would like. They wanted to rewrite the revelations to look and sound more educated.

Instead, the Lord recognized Joseph’s weaknesses, and then gave the brethren a test: take the smartest among you and write a revelation that was as powerful as the smallest of the revelations Joseph had received. They tried and failed.
