The Millennial Star

I love blogging, I hate blogging

I have a love-hate relationship with blogging.

On one hand, I love the interaction and the sharing of ideas that comes from the posts on M* and other LDS blogs. Most of the time, the interactions are pleasant, enjoyable and dare I say, downright fun!

Alternately, blogging is sometimes filled with cantankerous comments and boorish behavior that drives me to hit the delete button, or just walk away from the computer.

Like the Church, blogging is filled with many wonderful, but imperfect people (myself included on the imperfect people comment). During my last five years of blogging, I have developed many wonderful friendships and close associations with other LDS bloggers and a strong bond my co-bloggers at M*.

I enjoy the camaraderie that is shared in the Bloggernacle, especially when we join in a common cause or in defense of the faith. We have oftentimes prayed for one another, bolstered the faith of those who are weak or questioning, cheered-up the sad, helped each other with technical issues and joined together to celebrate awards and honors. How I love moments like these!

Sadly, though, there are times when we are scarcely a faint shadow of the great people that normally reside on Bloggernacle. I have witnessed vitriolic exchanges, hateful dialogue and emails that should never emerge from the drafts folder. These are the times when I wonder why I continue blogging.

My intention in writing this post is not to condemn anyone or to call out any specific comment or post. Rather, it is a call for personal reflection and introspection when the conversation becomes heated and the topic at hand becomes secondary to “winning” an argument or simply “proving” a point.

Ask yourself how often you have submitted a comment, only to wish you had the power to delete it before anyone read it. I have done that, sad to say.

We are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. We all deserve to be treated with love, kindness and respect.

As trite as it may sound, perhaps you might ask yourself this question before your next post, comment or email- What would Jesus do?

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