The Millennial Star

Hearing and Heeding the Words of the Lord Through His Prophets

I know there has been some backlash from a few of the talks given at General Conference over the weekend, specifically the talk on the Family Proclamation given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the 12. I’ll just say this, it saddens me to see the level of vitriol aimed at him from those who preach tolerance and love ad nauseum. If you’ve engaged in this, stop it today. I came across this wise council from Elder David A. Bednar last night and it was very comforting to me.

“The Savior declared, “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38). May we hear and heed the eternal truths taught by the Lord’s authorized representatives. As we do so, I promise our faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will be fortified, and we will receive spiritual guidance and protection for our specific circumstances and needs.”

There were things I heard from the Conference that have made me squirm in my seat a bit — but not because I thought the messenger was trying to be hateful or mean to me and my particular circumstance. It’s because I knew those words were true. Nephi teaches us in the Book of Mormon that the guilty take the truth to be hard. And we’re all guilty of something. I know there are areas I need to work on in my life. Change is hard — but I felt the nudge from this weekend. Giving up our ideas for God’s better ideas and way, is hard. It means sacrificing our wants and our agenda. It might mean finding new friends, living life differently and breaking old and comfortable habits. However, if we don’t do those things, we don’t grow and improve. That’s the whole point of this mortal existence — to grow, to improve, to learn, to come back to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

What Elder Bednar has said, is true, particularly this last part, “We will receive spiritual guidance and protection for our specific circumstances and needs” Hear, and heed — those are your action verbs! Then take it to the Lord. He does know you, and all of us, and will help us in a way that’s best for us. This is where we put faith into action and trust. The question of the day is this, “Dear Lord, how do I apply this council, from a prophet of God to my life? Please help me to go and do the things You have commanded.”

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