The Millennial Star

Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults – President Russell M. Nelson

Since I (just barely) fit into the demographics for the devotional (18-30), I thought it would be appropriate for me to blog about the devotional as I watched it.

I love President Nelson and his wife. I saw them speak when I was in the MTC, and was motivated and inspired by his remarks. His life and especially his pioneering work in heart surgery is an incredible tribute to the power of the Lord to inspire human beings and to improve lives through the impact of the spirit. I can see that the effects of age are really having an impact of President Nelson. Nevertheless, when he speaks I can hear the voice of divine inspiration.

Sister Nelson–

Was in marriage and family counseling and wants to share advice about love and marriage. She wants us to think of her as “aunt Wendy” and teach “four truths about love and marriage.”

  1. Truths about love and marriage are brought to us by the Holy Ghost.  In contrast, lies about love and marriage originate with Satan. No amount of spin or propaganda can change divine truth.
  2. Personal purity is the key to love. Everytime we pour out our heart to God, seek in the scriptures, avoid pornography, serve in the temple, or find an ancestors information we increase personal purity and prepare for true martial intimacy. Work to be pure and it will increase the presence of the Holy Ghost in your life. Pornography prevents you from experiencing the most marvelous kinds of intimacy
  3. The Lord wants a husband and wife to partake of the joys of marital intimacy. It is commanded by God because it draws the husband and wife closer and closer to God. It is a symbol of the type of intimacy we should have in all aspects of our lives. Live righteously so the spirit can be our companion.
  4. For true marital intimacy the Holy Ghost needs to be involved. We cannot become as truly close and intimate to another without the presence of the Spirit. He can purify our feelings and will increase our ability to experience marital intimacy. On the other hand, anything that offends the spirit will decrease our ability to be one with our spouse.

Worldly sex is under the influence of the world and Satan while god-ordained marital intimacy is under the influence of the spirit. True marital intimacy generated more love rather than degrades. It honors and celebrates the body as one of the great prizes. It leads to unity, love, and a feeling of understanding. It ultimately strengths, supports, heals, and hallows the marriage bond. Marital intimacy will continue eternally between a husband and wife bound by the spirit.

President Nelson

Since January 2016, he has been with many young adults as he traveled all over the world and the U.S. In Louisiana after a disaster thousands of members volunteered to serve.

Very soon, we will be the leaders of the Lord’s church. Are we ready to take the reins of leadership?

We must prepare the world for the millennial reign of the savior. Today he will speak to us about how we can prepare.

First, focus on your marriage and family. Implement the impressions you had as you listened to Sister Nelson.

Will require great leadership skills. Fortunately, we have some great role models we can look up to. Greatest role models of all are the prophets of God. Sixteen have been Presidents of the Church in this dispensation. President Nelson personally knew 10 of the 16. Study the lives and teachings of these 16 prophets of God. That study will change our life.

  1.  Joseph Fielding Smith – Lived just a few houses away from President Nelson. When Pres. Nelson was called to be president of Sunday School he went with President Smith to the Manchester Area Conference.  Rather than offering dictatorial direction he expressed his love and desire to help. He said that he had “not come there to fail.” God likewise sent us to earth not to fail, but to succeed and to find joy while doing so.
  2. Ezra Taft Benson-Called to preside over Europe right after the war.  He exercised undaunted faith in the face of incredible obstacles. 40 years later, President Nelson was assigned to go to the former Soviet countries. President Benson’s example inspired President Nelson. He would say, ” I work as hard as I can and keep the comments and leave the rest to the Lord.”
  3. Gordon B. Hinckley- He was responsible for solving a lot of thorny problems such as translating the endowment ceremony to film. President Hinckley persuaded Gorbachev to come meet him in his office. The wood in the office had come from Gorbachev’s birth region in Russia. He was fearless in proclaiming the future spread of the gospel throughout the world.
  4. Thomas S. Monson- Called as a bishop in his twenties and as an apostle at 36. He teaches primarilly by an example of service. President Monson has demonstrated two fundamental qualities that have made prophets exemplary. He has loved God with all his soul and loved his neighbors.  And he has known how to receive and respond to revelation when it comes.

When he was a medical student his study of the body convinced him that God lives. Through his lab work, he learned of the law governing the heart. He learned that the heart could be stopped temporarily. He realized it worked according to divine law. And when such laws are obeyed, blessings always follow.

Truth is not a subjective experience. God’s laws are his laws. What he says is right is right and what he says is wrong is wrong.

We need to know God’s law. His laws control this universe. When broken consequences will follow. Penalties must be paid because divine law must be obeyed.

When he operated on President Kimball, his pacemaker failed and so he came to President Nelson for help and a blessing. The blessings promised the problem would be fixed. President Kimball told President Nelson to do whatever he could to make that promise a reality. Not even for God’s prophet was the scientific law in the operation suspended.

World is filled with uncertainty but there need not be uncertainty in our heart and mind. We can know what is right and not. Uncertainty is born from a lack of information. Study God’s laws by study and by faith. “Live by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God.”

Lucifer is skilled at distraction, deception, and misdirection. Avoid his snares like you would the plague. He brings misery, captivity, and death. Sad consequences of listening to him are predictable, dependable, repeatable, and regrettable. Following Christ leads to freedom and allows us to become who we are meant to be – a righteous leader.

As members, we know that Christ is our ultimate mentor. We are to be true disciples of Christ. We need to increase in our discipleship.

He has an assignment for us (if we choose to accept it): Study EVERYTHING the savior said and did including the OT, NT, Book of Mormon (no book better witnesses of him), and D&C. This will cause our love to him to grow and will improve our ability to turn away from sin.

Use the topical guide under “Jesus Christ.” Seek to understand his various titles to know who Christ is. He is our personal advocate.

Study the Living Christ. Pray for a witnesses that the divine truths represent eternal law. Practice and look for opportunities to speak about what we believe.

We will present ourselves before the savior and be overwhelmed to be in our presence. We will struggle to find words to thank him for his atonement and for forgiveness from our sins and healing. His attributes will become personal and real to us.

But we do not have to wait. Choose to love him and follow him now. We are his people and we are commanded to take his message to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. “Let us all press on in the work of the Lord.”

President Nelson invokes his apostolic keys and blesses us to: Learn God’s laws and live by them. Be a good example by word and deed of a true disciple of Christ. Be free from sin and radiate goodness, light, and truth. To have success in education and occupation and to seek for and care for our virtuous companion. To be a righteous leader in our family, community, and Church.

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