The Millennial Star

Thanks Mitt

The election is over and we will have 4 more years of President Obama, a Democrat Senate and a Republican House.  Let’s pray that they can all meet in the actual middle and work together to stabilize our economy and promote freedom, more than social issues.  If they fix the economy, great. If they run it off the cliff, they can’t blame the conservative Mormons for it.

As for Mitt Romney, I want to thank him for the Mormon Moment he has given us.  He ran a vigorous, but honest campaign.  He showed the importance of family, faith and freedom.  His efforts caused a softening of people’s hearts towards Mormonism, as Billy and Franklin Graham and many others stepped up to support him.

In my own city of Indianapolis, because of Mitt’s Mormon Moment, I was invited to speak at a local Catholic Church men’s group about the LDS Church.  My wife and I were cordially greeted, as we discussed the Church and answered some challenging questions.  They said we had the largest crowd the men’s group has ever had, and they look forward to seeing the inside of our temple when it is finished in 2014.

More people know about the LDS Church and Joseph Smith now, for good or evil, than ever before.  We have been forced out of obscurity and darkness, and into the light.  This change has not just been here, but worldwide, as people everywhere have discussed Mitt’s Mormon Moment.

While the big moment will soon fade, there will still be opportunities for some time for us to make smaller Mormon moments in our own communities and areas.  We must decide whether we will lapse back into obscurity, or if the Church will continue in the light we have been walking in for the last while.

Now, we can discuss politics a little less, and speak of spiritual things a lot more to our neighbors, friends and acquaintances.  We can show them that the gospel has solutions and answers to life, the universe and everything.

Then, sometime further down the road, when the United States of America does collapse from sin and narcissism, the LDS Church, already out of obscurity, will be ready with solutions that will save those who wish to be saved, as we build a Zion for the righteous remnant of America.

Thanks Mitt.

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