One Eternal God – The Oneness of God in The Book of Mormon

Christian Scripture has always had to deal with what on the surface might seem like two contradictory propositions. On the one hand we have the idea that there is one Lord and God.

Deut 6:4:

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: [1]

On the other hand we have the idea that Jesus and the Father are two different persons or beings of some sort that are individual and distinct from each other.

For example, John 14:28:

Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I ago unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

Thus we are presented with two simultaneous positions:
1) There is one God
2) That one God is made up of multiple persons/beings/individuals Continue reading

The Mormon Doctrine of Deity – A Review

I originally started a series of posts building up my views on the Mormon Doctrine of Deity on Mormon Matters back in 2008. I would like to finish the thoughts I started there, but I felt like I needed to collect my thoughts first. In this post, I’m going to summarize my past posts and the ideas that I explored in each. I’m doing this largely for myself so that I get back in the swing of things and also so that those interested will have a convenient place to link to past posts as I talk about them later. Continue reading

The Book of Mormon’s Doctrine of Deity

Note: This is a reprint of a post I did on Mormon Matters and then later on Jr. Ganymede. I have to repeat it again because if I ever want to finish my thoughts on Mormon Doctrine of Deity, this is my starting point.

I am fascinated by the Book of Mormon’s teachings (i.e. doctrines) about deity. I am almost equally fascinated with the many scholarly attempts to force fit it into pre-existing categories to make it seem safe. [1] Continue reading