The Millennial Star

Special Interest Groups

Since the beginning of Civil Rights for women, blacks and other special classes, we’ve seen an explosion of new special classes with special rights and privileges not given to other classes.

With Gloria Steinem’s version of feminism came a movement that not only sought to bring equality, but to actually diminish other groups, white males, in particular. Over the decades, white males have seen their place in society diminish. Privileges, based usually on merit, were given to others based on special class. Men were denigrated, as many women felt that women needed men like a fish needed a bicycle (Gloria Steinem). With the off-putting of men, came a decline in their self-esteem, determination, role as father and husband, and key bread-winner. There are more women graduating from college and high school than men. Single mothers often are the norm, rather than traditional families with two parents (M/F). Many young men today find it easier to find escape from the role confusion by spending their lives in video games, porn, and other “safer” relationships.

In the last couple years, we’ve seen a new special class rocket to the top, which suddenly gives some men the opportunity to beat women at their own game. For those who watched the Growing Up Kardashian tv show, you saw lots of pretty women that did pretty much what they wanted, while Bruce Jenner stood in the background frustrated. No longer is this the case. With changing his sex and name to Caitlyn, Jenner now has as many photo ops as Kim Kardashian. Caitlyn was named “Woman of the Year”, something natural born women were used to winning in the past.

Recently, transgendered (M2F) have been excelling in women sports, dominating in many areas that biological women cannot compete in, because they lack the muscle and testosterone. Homeless transgenders in some areas are given preference in housing.

Could it be that in the future, many men will choose to be transgender, because it will give them an advantage over other special classes – women, blacks, gays, hispanics, etc.? Imagine a man claiming to be transgender, so he can obtain scholarships and grant money for college – money that currently goes to women. Women’s sports will eventually be dominated by transgenders that would not be fit enough for men’s sports. Transgenders will get the best jobs that women now seek after.

No longer will they be the lower class sneered at by feminists. Instead, we will replace men, by making them a special class of women, reducing women again to a lower class, where they can no longer compete. Of course, a woman transgender will have disadvantages – as real men are diminished by society.

I wonder if this is another giant step toward destroying mankind’s ties to God? If we are not sons and daughters of God, but are something else, how do we anchor ourselves in that holiest of relationships? Instead of being equal in God’s sight, we will continually seek to be unequal in the sight of mankind, always trying to be one up on others.

Nephi’s warning of people digging pits for their neighbors and thinking themselves in good standing with God, comes to mind. So does the divisions people make, such as expensive clothing – a clear sign of a people in apostasy. For us today, it is not only clothing, but all of our expensive toys and our personal attitude that the world owes us a living (and government handouts).

It is time we stop dividing ourselves into classes and special groups, and begin to see all as children of God. This must be true regardless of how many see themselves or us. They cannot find their way back to a proper relationship with God, if we shun those who are now lost. Let us stand firm on moral principle, but then open our arms to all others and invite them in. Perhaps then, no one will have a need to create a special class, diminish others, or put their own group on a false pedestal (or great and spacious building). We must destroy the false images of ourselves that we create, and taken upon us the true image of Christ.

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