The Millennial Star

Some Interesting Quotes to Debate

I was reading this article and couldn’t help but think of all of you.

Social Security, for example, has significantly reduced poverty among the old in the United States

 Discuss my friends! *ducks for cover*

Oh, and I enjoyed this one too:

The only good news I can offer is that projections of the future that rely on straight-line extensions of the present, as this one does, are almost always wrong. Maybe Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy will pull tighter EuroZone integration out of their chapeau and hutte and we’ll see a new assertive euro economy emerge in five years. Maybe rising labor costs in China will lead to a meaningful shift in jobs back to the United States. Maybe current trends in U.S. oil production will turn the United States into an oil-exporting nation. Maybe something that I can’t think about now will change the low-growth scenario that projections based on the euro crisis now make seem so inevitable.

Discuss this one too.

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