The Millennial Star

President Nelson has announced the equivalent of a new temple every two weeks since he became the prophet

This Church News article looks at some interesting numbers on President Nelson’s temple-building push since he became the prophet.

He has announced 118 temples over 1,723 days as Church president — a rate of a temple announced every two weeks!

Here are some more interesting numbers:

The geographic breakdown of the 118 temples is as follows:

Temples are getting closer and closer to members. When I first joined the Church in the 1990s, the closest temple was a five-hour drive away. Now, there is a temple just a half-hour drive away.

I lived in Brazil for several years, and members tell crazy stories about how they used to take a week to travel to the Sao Paulo temple, which was the only one in the country for many years. Now there are 18 temples in Brazil.

And how about President Nelson announcing on Sunday four new temples in the Mexico City area?

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