The Millennial Star

Preparing for General Conference

In a few short days, Latter-Day Saints from around the world will assemble in various locations for the 180th Annual General Conference of the Church.

For my family, part of the preparation for General Conference involves finding suitable activities for our young children to do during Conference. The Friend magazine and online site is an excellent resource for such activities. As most parents with young children will attest to, keeping small children occupied during Conference is a challenging and sometimes daunting task. My wife and I find that providing snacks for our children during sessions is also a good way to keep them occupied and happy. For those attending Conference in meetinghouses, consider bringing snacks like fruit roll-ups or fruit snacks. These are generally easy to pack and do not create a mess. Some stakes set-up a television in the Primary or Relief Society room where parents with small children can watch Conference, without distracting others.

Along with the physical preparations for Conference, it is important to consider the spiritual preparations as well.

As part of your spiritual preparations for Conference, consider one or more of the following activities:

What are some of the ways you prepare for Conference? What do you do with your small children during Conference? Do you have a favorite activity or game for them? M* would love to have your share your thoughts and ideas.

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