The Millennial Star

Now that the “super” committee has failed….

Another reason why small federal government is such a good idea. We don’t give so much power to such knuckle heads as were placed on the “super” committee.

Can we just all agree on a few things to fix the problem?

1. Fire all twelve members of the super committee for not even having a meeting since November 1? Clearly they wanted this to fail.

2. Fire the 4 Congressional leaders who appointed the 12 super committee members? Obviously they did not seek out the best problem solvers, just the best cronies they could find.

3. Just return spending to 2006 budget levels? That in itself would come close to balancing today’s budget in just a few years.


Who wants to bet that Congress will pass another law reneging on the automatic cuts?  Can we get some real leadership in Washington DC? Please?

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