The Millennial Star

Noteworthy: “We know that your temple is sacred”

In the midst of the controversy surrounding the portrayal of the temple on HBO’s show Big Love, I stumbled upon this story from about the firefighters who responded to the water leak at the LDS temple in the Chicago area:

When he arrived that morning, Robinson said firefighters, including Battalion Chief Ted Lancioni, had let themselves in by using the lock box on the front gate and had shut off the water. But they had not gone beyond the equipment room.

“They said, ‘We know that your temple is sacred. We didn’t want to go up there because we know you’d have to rededicate the temple,’ ” Robinson recalled.

A special thank you to the first responders who recognized and respected the sacred nature of the our temple. Hopefully others will recognize the sacred nature of these temples and also refrain from treading on sacred ground.

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