The Millennial Star

My Conservative/Libertarian Wish List

Having been a Never Trump during the past year, I’m giving president elect Trump a clean slate and a chance to show what kind of president he’ll be.

Here is a beginning list of things I’d like to see from him and Congress.

  1. Repeal Obamacare. If replaced, then replace it with a basic voucher or HSA for all families. This would be a Yugo level of basic coverage, with a catastrophic illness coverage after a deductible based on wealth status.
  2. Pass a national concealed and open carry right.
  3. Eliminate several departments, including Education and Agriculture, and zero fund base all else. Reduce the size and change the scope of the EPA and IRS.
  4. Eliminate or at least audit the Federal Reserve
  5. Replace the income tax with the Fair Tax. Going to a flat tax leaves the door open to create loopholes. Eliminate all loopholes.
  6. Send welfare and other issues not specifically given to the Fed in the Constitution back to the states.
  7. Reduce overseas military bases by 50 percent. Tell Europe, Japan, s. Korea and most other western nations to prepare to more defend themselves, as we focus more in the Americas
  8. Revoke NAFTA, GATT and other treaties that are not truly free trade
  9. Reject global warming treaties as scientifically and economically impractical, not making any difference in future global temperatures.
  10. Term limits for Congress. In fact, enact a Constitutional Convention to fix some court decisions, returning power back to the states, like on Roe v Wade, and on the Commerce Clause
  11. Fix immigration. Make it easier for Hispanics to legally immigrate. Give illegals a 2year work permit, during which new rules can be made to replace the current system. Allow illegals to earn a work permit, but not citizenship. No welfare for illegals.
  12. Protect our borders from drug dealers, terrorists and bad people.
  13. Stop being the world police force
  14. Shine the light of freedom and invite other nations to join us in liberty when they are ready. Don’t force democracy onto anyone.
  15. Decriminalize drugs. Allow judges to use corporal punishment and experiment with  other methods, and leave prison only for the most violent and dangerous.
  16. Return most federal lands back to the states. Alternatively, give acreage to the poor, and to Native and African Americans as reparations
  17. Place strict constitutionalists on the Supreme Court

That is my current wishlist. What would be on your list?


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