The Millennial Star

Kate chooses apostasy

I’ve truly hoped that Kate Kelley would follow the counsel given her by her bishop and other leaders. Sadly, she’s chosen the path of publicity and written an op-ed for the UK’s The Guardian.

In it, she gives only her view of the whole story, making herself out to be a victim of an evil patriarchy. The comments clearly show support for her and disdain for the Church.  She has shown her true colors in this: she’s a political activist for feminist action first, and a Mormon last.

As I said, I had hopes that she would follow and keep her covenants. Instead, she’s chosen to follow the convictions that the world has given her to politicize things.

Clearly she is daring the Church to take full action on her.  She will end up a footnote in history, as she will be forgotten, even as Sonia Johnson is barely remembered today.  The Church has grown since then and will continue growing.

It is sad when people choose to disobey the gospel and the Lord’s chosen leaders. Regardless of our desire to see women gain more opportunity in the Church, there is a right way and a wrong way.  There is a correct method to righteous sexual relations and there is wrong sexual relations that lead to discipline.  There are boundaries we are expected live within.

It is sad when a person thinks him/herself greater than the Lord’s Anointed prophet. Clearly, the teachings in D&C 1 and elsewhere simply are ignored or not understood by such people who choose to be apostates. And this article written by Kate is a clear sign of apostasy.

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