The Millennial Star

Just a coincidence?

Last Sunday I picked up one of my wife’s books titled “Small Miracles: Extraordinary Coincidences from Everyday Life.” I could not put it down until I had read every page; devoured every story.

The book’s authors note in the introduction:

Coincidences have been variously defined as “luck,” “chance,” “a fluke,” “something out of the ordinary,” or a “random conjoining of inexplicable events that define our sense of the reasonable.

We firmly believe that coincidences are much more than simple accidents or quirks of fate. To us, coincidences are blessings, the spiritual manna that hosts of angles send down to illuminate our Path. They are vivid, striking, awe-inspiring examples of Divine Providence. They are acts of God.

While I read the various stories of “coincidences” in the book, I was reminded of the awe-inspiring examples of Divine Providence in my own life.

The missing key

One afternoon, after attending a temple session, I was walking back to my car and noticed two Sister missionaries looking for something in the grass near the temple. I walked over to them and asked if I could do anything to help.

They replied that they had lost the key to their bike lock and needed help finding the key. As “luck” would have it, I happened to have my lock picks in the car and offered to pick the bike lock. I was able to pick the bike lock and the Sisters were on time to their next appointment.

I am confident Heavenly Father could have led the missionaries to their lost key faster than I could have picked the lock. However, he chose to demonstrate his love and care for these Sisters through a temple patron.

Before leaving the temple grounds, I said a prayer to my Heavenly Father, thanking Him for allowing me to serve.

Protected from harm

At the age of 15, I thought I knew everything. I didn’t, of course.

One Saturday afternoon, a young adult advisor from a scouting organization I was involved with called me and asked me if I wanted to go to Lagoon (Utah amusement park) with him. My parents were not home at the time, so I excitedly said yes. I told my older brother and siblings that I would be at Lagoon for the rest of the day.

My “friend” arrived at my house shortly after making the call and we began the drive from Orem to Lagoon. The ride was uneventful and our conversation centered on our scouting activities.

We arrived at Lagoon and my “friend” purchased two all-day ride passes. I couldn’t have been more excited, and yet unaware of the potential dangers that lay ahead of me.

My “friend” suggested that we should ride the train and decide which rides we should go on first.

As we were waiting for the train to leave, I caught a glimpse of my parents out of the corner of my eye.  They had worried looks on their faces and walked quickly to where I was.

After chiding me for leaving without their permission, they told me I couldn’t stay with my “friend”. I was disappointed that I would be unable to spend the day at Lagoon, but understood that I had left without permission.

As we walked to the car, my parents hugged me and told me how much they loved me. My dad then related to me how they found out from my brother that I had left for Lagoon and the prompting they both felt that I was in grave danger. My parents left immediately to get me and were lead directly to where I was.

Although I did not then understand the gravity of the situation, or fully appreciate my parents for coming to my rescue, I now see and know how damaging things could have been. I am grateful to my parents and to my Heavenly Father for watching over me and keeping me from harm.

Your stories of Divine Providence

I could share more stories of Divine Providence in my life and in the lives of friends and family members, but I am anxious to read the stories of our M* readers.

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