The Millennial Star

Introductions all around – a little gossip

For some odd reason the Gods gods overlords here at M* decided to invite me to be a permablogger.  How they think they are ever going to increase readership is beyond me, but who am I to turn down a paying gig?

I have been blogging for a few years now.  My own blog,  Joel’s Monastery, mostly holds my Gospel Doctrine lessons and is gaining popularity with every weekly post.  Of course, I do have a few call me a radical anti-Christ for sharing viewpoints that are not always my own, but include views from ancient sources.

I do promise to try and offer quality blogging here, unlike another major LDS blog that today is offering a post on “skanky legs.”  No, I will not provide a link, because the blogger asked them to discuss, and like Jacob of old, I’m not interested in risking the innocence of our high class readers,  “many of whose feelings are exceedingly tender and chaste and delicate before God, which thing is pleasing unto God” (Jacob 2:7).

That said, let’s get into a topic I’ve pondered recently:


I’m sure I’m not the only around who has heard a family member or friend note that he/she/it never gossips, BUT….

And then comes the gossiping.  Is there no one around that does not gossip?  I note that I’ve even sat in on bishopric and PEC meetings in units in the past and some discussion lends more towards gossip than positive discussion.

As in the old Hee Haw story line, we never repeat gossip. You gotta hear it the first time.

What is the difference between gossip and valid discourse regarding an individual?

First, I think one key issue is if we have a dog in the fight.  If I’m discussing something because I have an important tie to the individual or event, then perhaps it leads towards valid discourse.

Second, whether a solution is being sought.  While Joseph Smith talked over the fence with some neighbors, another friend came up and said that a brother’s home had just burned down.  The men began to commiserate on how terrible an event this was.  Joseph reached into his pocket, pulled out a $5 gold coin and said, “Brethren, I’m sorry for five dollars worth. How sorry are you?”  The point being that discussion is good if it leads to solution, and not just more discussion.

What are other differences you see between gossip and valid discussion? And is the Bloggernacle the official gossip site for the Church, skanky legs and all?

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