The Millennial Star

In praise of FAIR podcasts

I just discovered the FAIR podcasts (as usual, I am at least a year or two behind the times). If you have any interest in Mormon topics, I cannot recommend these podcasts enough.

Recent subjects have included an interview with an LDS man with same-sex attraction who is still living with his lover but has taken a vow of chastity and is temple-worthy. In addition, there are very well-done podcasts discussing controversial issues and providing good defenses of the Church. I loved the recent interview of Matt Bowman regarding his new Mormon history book “The Mormon People.” The FAIR interviewer, Blair Hodges, made the task of an interviewer look incredibly easy, and I can tell you it is not. Listening to two smart Mormons discuss the Church in a faith-promoting, respectful way was really a joy.

In sum, I highly recommend these podcasts. You can get them from Itunes here. While you are there, you can also add General Conference to your Itunes playlist. I always try to listen to any sessions or talks I missed in the weeks after Conference.

Great work from the folks at FAIR.

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