The Millennial Star

Great new web site about the Family: A Proclamation to the World

This web site is really quite well done. It is dedicated to the Church’s Proclamation on the family.

Did you know that Pres. Hinckley said this before introducing the Proclamation on Sept. 23, 1995?

With so much of sophistry that is passed off as truth, with so much of deception concerning standards and values, with so much of allurement and enticement to take on the slow stain of the world, we have felt to warn and forewarn. In furtherance of this, we of the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles now issue a proclamation to the Church and to the world as a declaration and reaffirmation of standards, doctrines, and practices relative to the family which the prophets, seers, and revelators of this Church have repeatedly stated throughout its history (Hinckley, 1995).

This statement helps me understand the importance of the Proclamation and why it is so crucial to our times, when sophistry, deception and the stains of the world appear to be increasing every month.

The new web site breaks down the Proclamation paragraph by paragraph, and line by line, with every sentence annotated with hundreds of ancient and modern scriptures, social science research and stories that support the principles of the Proclamation.     The web site also includes: 

Check out the new web site at

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