The Millennial Star

Generous and not-so-generous cities

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the most generous cities in terms of giving to charity are:

The least generous cities are:

Anything stand out?

Here are a few things worth noting:

1)The most generous cities are heavily Mormon.

2)When you visit the article, you will see that people in Provo and Logan give more than 13 percent of their discretionary income, an enormous amount compared even to the 10th most generous city, Jackson, Mississippi, which gives 8.1 percent. People in the least generous city, Manchest-Nashua, NH, give only 2.4 percent.

3)Other than heavily Mormon cities, the most generous cities are in the south and the least generous in the northeast. There are some strange outliers like Laredo, TX (a very poor border town).

4)Many of the least generous cities are liberal politically, and indeed a very large percentage are liberal college cities. It is worth pointing out that some of the most generous cities, like Provo and Logan, are also more conservative cities with colleges.

Any other trends you notice?

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