The Millennial Star

Fewer Saints need Church assistance?

A missionary couple who work at the Bishop’s Storehouse in Northern Colorado told me today that need for food assistance in early 2021 is about half of what it has been in recent years.

The missionaries were astonished at this result, as was I. Is it possible that the Saints are doing well compared to the many people suffering during the lockdowns and other mandates going on worldwide? Again, my information is completely anecdotal, but very few people in our ward have lost their jobs during the lockdowns. Meanwhile, many other of my friends (not in the Church) have suffered job losses and many other problems in the last year. And of course, every family in my ward was concerned about their children during the school closures.

(To readers who may not know what our Bishop’s Storehouse does, it primarily serves as a clearinghouse for food assistance for people who need it).

Do any other readers have any stories that confirm or contradict this report? How are people doing in your region of the world?

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