The Millennial Star

Come Follow Me: D&C 77-80

My blog post on Come Follow Me: D&C 77-80

D&C 77
This revelation was given as part of Joseph and Sidney’s work on translating the Bible. As mentioned before, Joseph didn’t actually translate the Bible, as he never used ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts. Instead, he used an English Bible purchased at the E. B. Grandin printing press shop. He possibly also used other materials available, such as a commentary, to go through the .Bible. Much of the process, rather than a translation process, was revelatory. The Bible and exercise, as with translating other documents, were catalysts for inspiration and revelation. This is evidenced by the fact that there are no examples of some writings in Joseph’s translation of the Bible, such as writings on Moses, Adam, Enoch (Book of Moses), Melchizedek, Joseph of Egypt, etc. These writing do not exist anywhere, except in Joseph’s translation of the Bible.

In translating the Book of Rev elation, Joseph had questions regarding some of the beings and events in the book.

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