The Millennial Star

Church Music: I Will Walk With Jesus, and Go & Do

In the Face to Face broadcast back in November, two new songs were introduced which go along with the new Children and Youth programs in the Church. Normally, I am not a fan of what I call “church pop”, but these songs are really good and have brought a very strong spirit into our home as we’ve listened to them. And as an FYI — there is an entire album of songs that go with this year’s youth program found by following THIS LINK.

We started learning I Will Walk With Jesus in Primary today. It was raining on my face is all, I was not weepy or anything — primary kids are the best! I am really starting to understand at a deeper level why Pres. Nelson talks about walking the “Covenant Path” so much. We need to walk that path, we need to teach our children to walk that path at very young ages, because the world they are going to live in will try and take them in so many ways off of that sacred path.

The song for the youth (kids age 11-18) is called Go & Do and is the youth theme for the year, based off of 1 Nephi 3: 7. . In the official video the song is sung by David Archuleta. This song also talks about walking with Christ. Do you see the theme of walking the covenant path and walking that path with Jesus Christ? What a great message for our kids. What an invitation for all of us.

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