The Millennial Star

Call for posts: International week on M*

As most readers know, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is increasingly an international church.  As one example, there has been some talk (ht: Kent Larsen) of a Portuguese-language blog starting among Church members.  We have some content (ht:  Bill Stebbing) in Spanish and English on a regular basis.

M* would like next week (week of February Eighth) to be international week.  We are posting in various different languages.  In addition, we are posting in English and other languages on our international experiences.  Please feel free to submit 1)a guest post in a language other than English or 2)a guest post describing your international experiences or 3)a combination of the above.

We will be printing these posts next week.  Thanks for participating in what we believe will be a fun and educational event!

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