The Millennial Star

A Sermon of Love

Some of the greatest sermons ever delivered have no words.

In my 34 years as a baptized member of the Church, I have enjoyed innumerable sermons delivered by the leaders of the Church—male and female—and from garden variety members as well. On some Sundays, I am content to read a book, or just passively listen to the speakers in sacrament meeting. On other Sundays, a speaker holds my attention and delivers a message that is new, powerful and speaks to my heart and soul.

This was not that Sunday.

No, the sermon that stood out to me and pierced my soul was a sermon delivered without words.

This sermon spoke directly to my heart: compassion and charity—the true love of Christ. It was virtuous, lovely, of good report and praiseworthy.

Imagine, if you will, an older woman, stricken with cancer. Her hair is short and unkempt. She is hunched over in her seat, struggling to keep her head up as she fights through the pain of cancer that afflicts her body and the powerful cancer drugs that make her sick. Seated next to her, embracing her, holding her up, is a sister who observed someone in need, left the pew where her family was sitting, and then ministered accordingly.

I was moved to tears as I watched this sermon take place in a most nondescript chapel and pew in Ellington, Connecticut.

At the close of the meeting—as everyone hurried to their classes, congratulating the speakers for the talks they gave—stood a sister whose actions went largely without notice. Hers was a powerful sermon that stirred my heart and soul.

I have little room to preach…I did not notice this sister until the end of the meeting. I can, however, learn to be more observant and then follow the example of the Savior—and the example of this charitable sister—ministering to those in need.

Some of the greatest sermons ever delivered have no words.

Sunday’s sermon was a sermon love.


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