A Few of my Favorite things

Now that I feel sorry for all the negativity I generated on my other somewhat intemperate thread (though I learned quite a bit and feel the discussion was worth it), I’m going for a more positive thread here.

A few of my favorite things (feel free to share your own favorite things in the comments below):

Dr. Bronner’s magic soaps: The absolute, hands down, best soap in the entire world. Plus, as a bonus, when sitting on the toilet or otherwise bored, you can read the labels for always interesting and sometimes enlightening, very quirky religious messages. Those of you who have used it know what I mean. Those who haven’t – repent now and buy a jug of the soap now! This is an experience not to be missed.

A Canticle for Leibowitz: Amazing piece of science fiction that breaks all artificial barriers between Literature and genre fiction. And, in a world of “spiritual” books and movies that degrade religion, it’s nice to read a book that takes religion seriously. Too bad the decades later sequel wasn’t worth the wait.

This is a book that’s hard to describe – but it’s powerfully moving and quite possibly the closest thing to a perfect novel I’ve ever read.

Unshelved: An online webcomic set in a library. Hilarious (especially if you are a book/library lover) and the reading club on Sundays will introduce you to an amazing array of worthwhile books across all genres (though there is a slight bias towards sci-fi/fantasy books).

Tears for Fears: Yes, they’re still around (though they did break up briefly in the 90s). Their latest album “Everybody Loves a Happy Ending” takes a little getting used to, but this duo still produces some of the most intelligent and creative pop music you’ll ever hear.

Okay – hardly complete, very eclectic. Now in that spirit – what are a few of all y’all’s favorite things?

16 thoughts on “A Few of my Favorite things

  1. Cadbury Mini Eggs- I buy several bags the day after Easter and try my darndest to make them last all year.

    Lovebirds- I think they are the most comical and endearing little birds. Quite possibly the ideal pet.

    Paper & Pens- I have more 3×5 notecards then any reasonable person could ever need. They just feel so great in my hands, all lined up and smooth, and clean. And nice pens too. Those are fantastic.

    Finding stuff- Sometimes I hide candy in my house just so I can find it. I really like when I find like five bucks in some winter pants or something. Oh, and pennies too. I pick up every penny I find.

    Oodles of Droodles by Roger Price. His little drawings and made up stories are hilarious and make me laugh every time I read them even though the book is like 50 years old.

  2. Crunchy Bars (also called Violet Crumble in some places). So very rare in America.

    An unexpected upgrade on a long trip.

    Dame Edna live on stage. Hello Possums! http://www.dame-edna.com

    My amazing friends.

    The Onion online.

  3. I miss Guarana and maracuja from Brazil (you can get these drinks at stores in Miami sometimes).

    My absolute favorite thing in the world is the warm feeling of rightness I have when I go to the temple with my wife and know she is going to be with me forever (if I am worthy and can keep up with her).

  4. Evenings where the temperature is just right to sit outside.

    Mobile Internet access on my PDA.

    Driving US highway 101 along the California coast.

    Doctor Who.

    My most favorite: Coming home from work and my 2-year-old daughter shouting “Daaaa-dyyyy!” and running to hug me. (The first two kids grew up and stopped doing that.)

  5. Geoff, where do you live? I know this is a long shot, but one grocery store just started carrying guarana on a full time basis. Largely in-part to the eight or nine thousand returned missionaries in the community, a large number having served in Brazil.

  6. The Onion online.

    Mike if you listen to podcasts, you have to listen to the Onion Radio News podcast. It’s free in itunes (and I assume the Onion site). Funniest 30 seconds of my day.

    Sitting down with my wife after the kids are asleep and enjoying a movie together.

  7. Mobile Internet access on my PDA.

    This indispensable, considering the 3 hour block meeting schedule.

    Coming home from work and my 2-year-old daughter shouting “Daaaa-dyyyy!” and running to hug me.

    That’s the stuff. My 2 year-old daughter called me at work at 3:30 yesterday and left me the following voice message: “I wanna go swimming when you get home. Bye.” I heard the message at 3:45, and by 3:47 I was in my car on my way home. Fire me!

  8. Wet weather especially rain, but I will take snow.

    Autumn leaves in all their glory.

    My _Northern Exposure_ DVD’s because NX is my favorite TV show of all time. It is even better than _24_ and I really like that one.

    A Hanna Anderson catalog.

    Reading to my kids.

    Christmas Eve

  9. Oh I forgot… my all time favoite book _To Kill A Mockingbird_

  10. DAN, in Miami. There are several stores here that carry Guarana off and on, and many Brazilian stores. Antartica is the only good brand, as I’m sure you know.

  11. Guarana is great.

    I do find it funny that many LDS people I know who won’t drink Coke or Pepsi because of the caffeine, will drink Guarana because they don’t realize it’s loaded with Caffeine.

    But we don’t have a lot of Guarana here in Alaska.

  12. Ivan:

    Shhhh about the caffeine already! I shudder to think of how many bubbles were burst by your revelation of that darkly hidden secret. 🙂

    By the by, I can arrange to send some Guarana to you, for a modest fee.

  13. If there’s no caffeine in the Celestial Kingdom, then I don’t want to go there.

    In my Celestial Kingdom, Dr Pepper flows in the rivers and comes out of the faucets. Ice cold Dr Pepper.

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