The Millennial Star

Open Thread: M* Past, Present, and Future

Today is the six-month anniversary of The Millennial Star’s online debut. Yes, and it’s also director Kevin Smith’s birthday, so what? Okay, so it’s not the biggest event in the world, but I thought it bore mentioning.

Anyway, in honor of this milestone, and in recognition of our continuing commitment to dialogue with our readers, we at M* thought it might be nice to hear from you about what you think of our site. No, this is not a stunt to get you to say things that we can put on the back of the M* book when it gets published. We’re interested in hearing anything you want to say about what we like to refer to as “The M* Experience.” That’s right, tell us if you think Davis Bell is just too darn snarky, if the star in our banner hurts your eyes, or if you have a theory on why M* bloggers are so much more fertile than other groups around the nacle. Got an idea for a feature or a nifty addition to our interface? Input on our tone or volume or content or roster? Criticism, obeisance and indifference are all welcome. For now. So let us hear it, we’re all ears.

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