The Millennial Star

Even One Drink….

As a former drinker, I can attest that even one drink can impair your judgement. Big time. Now there’s some scientific proof.

UPDATE: Please see this article.

This observation is not meant to be judgmental about all of the social drinkers we know who go to a party and nurse a glass of wine or one beer all night. I’m even not willing to be judgmental about all of those people who may have three or four drinks over a three-hour period. Heck, in my time I’ve known people who could drink 10 drinks over several hours and not even show it.

But as a convert, I often hear “why are you Mormons so concerned about just one drink? Studies have proven that a glass of wine a day is good for you. If you really cared about health and the Word of Wisdom, then you would allow one drink a day.” And they have a point. That’s a very difficult argument to overcome. Now, there’s some scientific proof about something that all drinkers know in their hearts: one drink does affect you. It impairs some of your ability to make the right decisions. Yes, it loosens you up and makes you “feel good,” but alcohol is like any other drug that changes your mood. One drink does matter.

Let’s be clear here: I stopped drinking before I was baptized as part of a one-year conversion process. The reason I stopped was that I realized that I could not have “just one drink.” Once I had one drink I had five or six drinks. So, my reasons may be different than others. I realized I had a compulsive problem and that I needed to stop drinking for my own health. I wouldn’t call myself an alcoholic because I didn’t drink that often, but when I did I had too many drinks. (Note: some people would define this as alcoholism).

After my conversion, I began to see the word of wisdom as primarily an issue of faith. I wanted to keep the promises I made when I was baptized, and I wanted to become temple worthy, so I never thought about breaking the word of wisdom simply because it was an act of faith. But of course it is difficult to logically discuss the issues involved with the WoW with non-members. There is the issue of “just one drink.” There is the issue of why we can drink Coke but not coffee and why we can’t drink decaf coffee. To these people I simply say: “look, I am happier not drinking alcohol or coffee, so it works for me. But the main reason I did it was that it was a test of my faith. I know that this is difficult to understand but faith often is a test. And by keeping the WoW I feel like I am healthier and happier.”

It is extremely difficult to logically answer the “just one drink” doubters. But at least now there is one study to give them.

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