About Matt Evans

Matt is an emeritus blogger.

Monday Morning Millennial Star Question #3

As a general rule, should Mormons show preference for other Mormons, or should we treat everyone equally? If I sell my car, should I give a better deal to a Mormon? Should I support Mormon-owned businesses? Give Mormon political candidates a “thumb on the scale”? What about Mormon job applicants?

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Monday Morning Millennial Star Question #2

“Are we inconsistent when we insist that baptism be done by immersion, because Christ was, but substitute water for wine in the sacrament, though Christ did not? Because the ancient and early church didn’t require potential converts to attend church meetings before being baptized, but we do, do we have standing to point out ways other churches have strayed from the ways of the ancient church? In what ways do differences like these effect the force of our claim to be the same church of Jesus Christ, restored?”

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Monday Morning Millennial Star Question, #1

Today we christen a new feature: the Monday Morning Millennial Star Question. Rather than purport to resolve burning gospel questions, each Monday morning I’ll pose a question for readers to ponder and respond to. Hopefully your collective experience and wisdom will yield insights that help everyone to better understand the gospel.

Question: “Is tithing a smart financial investment, or do tithe-payers have less money than they otherwise would?”

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