The Millennial Star

All in all, the world’s going pretty well

We Latter-day Saints can sometimes be a pessimistic lot. Just think back to recent discussions in Gospel Doctrine — everything’s going to heck in a handbasket, right? I happen to think some societal trends are negative, but Michael Barone points out things are going quite well, thank you.

The worldwide economy is booming, led by 4-plus percent GDP growth in the U.S. and 10 percent in China. Millions are being lifted out of poverty every year through economic growth. Barone points out that the freer economies are the ones that are growing while the sclerotic welfare states are the ones that are stagnating.

Meanwhile, despite wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are signs that the world is relatively conflict-free compared to other times.

My personal opinion is that things will get better before they get worse. It seems to make sense that there has to be a period of worldwide prosperity for the Gospel to be preached in every nation, and we are fortunate to be living in that time. Yes, there are all kinds of worrisome trends, too numerous to even get into here, and the challenges today’s Saints face now are significant, but all in all the world is doing quite well.

How’s that for a Pollyanna post on a nice Spring day?

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