The Millennial Star

A few quick thoughts on GC

I have a few quick thoughts on General Conference I’d like to share.

1)What was Pres. Hinckley referring to in his warning to priesthood members to avoid statements that can be interpreted as racist?
2)I thought Elder Wood’s talk on Sunday afternoon was especially applicable to the Bloggernacle.

On the first issue, here’s Bryce’s summary:

Thank you for your faith and prayers. As a man grows old, he develops a softer touch, a kindlier manner. A question I have been pondering: Why so much hatred in the world? Wars, jealaousy, anger. Racial tension even within the chruch. There was rejoicing in the 1978 revelation in the temple. I was there. There was no doubt that it was inspired.

No man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ or in harmony with the teachings of the church of Christ.

Throughout my service as a member of the 1st Presidency, I have spoken a number of times about the diversity in the world. Let us all recognize that each of us is a son or daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves each of his children. If you hold hatred and prejudice, repent.

Bryce pretty much captured the essence of the Prophet’s reference to racism. But it seemed to me he was referring to recent events, something that has happened in the last few weeks that has him worried. He seemed visibly upset.

I have no clue to what he was referring. Is this a reference to the immigration debate? Is it possible the prophet is concerned about people who oppose immigration for racial reasons and that some of them may be members of the Church?

Ronan makes the argument here that this is a reference to publicity on racial struggles in the Church. Perhaps he’s right.

I am aware that immigration is of particular interest to me and I’m willing to be convinced that the prophet was worried about something else entirely besides immigration. Please convince me.

On 2), I thought Elder Wood’s talk is particularly applicable to the Bloggernacle. Here is Guy’s summary:

2:04 Robert S. Wood Quorum of the Seventy. Voices are growing ever more strident. God has warned us that Satan would stir up people’s heart to anger. Deluded and wicked men in Book of Mormon stir up men and women to anger. The time of Christ’s birth and second comming will be days of vengance.

Be aware of those who stir us up to anger so that calm reflection and thought are lost. Andrew Jackson said, elevate your guns a little lower. Many of us need to do the same. We need to raise the level of public and private discourse. We need to uphold wise, honest, and good men and women–wherever they are found. Culture of slander, stereotyping. Spirit of mocking of those with whom we disagree, are those who occupy the large and spacious building. There are mockers in the last times who walk after their own ungodly lust.

Cynicisim closely related to mockery. Display disblief in sincerity.

When your polictics cause you to speak unkindly of your brethern, you are on dangerous ground. It is not our duty to find fault in others. But, in kindness and love we help them find truth that God has revealed in latter days.

We cannot be caught up in a world that takes and gives offense. We should rejoice in the truth, and the pure love of Christ, which we represent. President Hinckley has counseled that we may give opinions; but, to have hatred or ill will as a result of political differences.

Blogging can sometimes be an emotional thing. People are expressing opinions and can take offense quickly when others disagree with them. People sometimes seem inclined to write things in a blog that they would never say in person.

I must say I’ve encountered a fair share of mean-spirited responses to my posts over the years. Elder Wood’s talk is a good response to some of the snarkiness in the Bloggernacle.

At the same time, it’s also a warning to tone down my own rhetoric, which has never had the humility and charity it should. Once again, my faith in modern revelation being pertinent to these times is reaffirmed.

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