Christmas Music: Songs from Spain, Catalonia, and Mexico

My friend Monsterrat Wadsworth over at Cranial Hiccups asked if I’d heard the Catalonian song, “Fum, Fum, Fum”. And of course I had. It’s a fun song, I remember it being sung in our choir concerts growing up. The “fum” imitates the sound of the drums, and by the end everyone is singing fortissimo. But as I was searching for a good version of the song. I went down a happy rabbit hole of Spanish language Christmas songs, and I was reminded how much I love the Songs from Spain and other Spanish speaking countries and areas — these songs definitely need more air time, because lets face it, you’re also going to go crazy if you hear “Silver Bells” or “White Christmas” one more time. Here are five songs from Spain, Catalonia, and Mexico.

Fum Fum Fum — sung in Catalan.

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Family Christmas Traditions

Recently,I found myself engaged in a conversation all about family Christmas traditions. My friend asked the group what traditions they have which bring the true meaning of Christmas to life.

I told her that each year on Christmas Eve our family has a tradition to give Jesus presents. We all decide what we can do, or correct in our lives. Thinking like this gives us the chance to deliberately choose to accept the atonement and the “living waters” of Jesus Christ.

After I shared this Peck family tradition, another friend commented. She said Continue reading