Guest Post: The Eye of Faith

If faith is like an eye (Alma 32:40), then it’s a way of seeing, not a way of getting by without seeing at all.

By Jeffrey Thayne

We often talk about faith as the absence of sight. For example, we are taught that “if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen,” and “faith is things which are hoped for and not seen.” We often visualize faith as taking a step into the unknown, or trusting that which we cannot see. This conception of faith is partly true. However, for a moment, I would like to explore faith as a way of seeing, not just the absence of sight. It is sight enlivened by the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ.

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Guest Post: Resolutions? How About 52?

The following guest post comes from Skip Hellewell, founder of Word of Wisdom Living, a blog about the Word of Wisdom.

Skip Hellewell is an engineer who spent his career in the medical field before taking up writing.  Though he has the greatest respect for the medical profession, he also recognizes the limits of medicine, as practiced today.  This understanding led to his focus on prevention as a health and longevity strategy.   Skip is the father of six children, grandfather of fifteen, and the husband of Clare.  He is a fifth-generation Mormon and a student of the Word of Wisdom, the Mormon code of health.  Skip and Clare divide their time between Laguna Beach, California, and the small town of Midway, in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah.

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Guest Post: A proposition for being Christlike

The following guest post comes from Michelle, a long-time Bloggernacle participant. Michelle was kind enough to accept our invitation to submit a guest post on this topic, one which she has reflected on for quite some time.

I couldn’t think of much else all day. Relieved when 11:00 p.m. finally arrived, I knocked on Ben’s* door; he was finally home from work. He let me in, and we sat. We chatted about simple things at first — his current work and school activities, mostly. But then I jumped into the reason for my late-night visit.

The prayer in my heart didn’t keep me from fumbling and stumbling, trying to put words to all that I was feeling. I only hoped that the clumsy flow of emotion and fractured thoughts could be understood. I know. I care. I’m sorry it’s so hard. Continue reading

Guest Post: Reconciling a fictional Book of Mormon with Joseph Smith’s stated testimony

The following guest post comes from Mike Parker, a long-time  Bloggernacle commenter.

A small percentage of Latter-day Saints are aware that the historicity of the Book of Mormon has its detractors. Among those who are aware of the issues, there has been some discussion on this topic.

Actually, “discussion” is probably too polite a term.

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Friday Forum: Adopted into the House of Lehi

JA Benson’s son, Tex, fills in this morning with today’s Friday Forum.

This scripture is from a revelation given to Nephi concerning his
descendants and the land Promised to Lehi.

1 Nephi 14: 1-2

And it shall come to pass, that if the Gentiles shall hearken unto the
Lamb of God in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in
word, and also in power, in very deed, unto the taking away of their
stumbling blocks—

And harden not their hearts against the Lamb of God, they shall be
numbered among the seed of thy father
; yea, they shall be numbered
among the house of Israel; and they shall be a blessed people upon the
promised land forever; they shall be no more brought down into
captivity; and the house of Israel shall no more be confounded.

I was reading in the Book of Mormon and this particular scripture just
stood out to me. In my humble opinion, the meaning of 1 Nephi 14: 1-2
is all righteous Americans (North and South) are adopted into the
House of Lehi and numbered among his seed.  I have never heard
anything along these lines in any Sunday school or at any other place
in the scriptures. I was wondering if a greater scriptorian than me
could tell me anything more about this, or prove me wrong.